neljapäev, 12. september 2024

Avoid bad life

I chatted with my friend on the phone and at the same time I bought a take away coffee from the cafe. I was just mentioning another friend's passion for stocks when I saw the text "Avoid bad life". It immediately made me think which one is the bad life - either the one where too much money is invested in shares instead of enjoying life today, here and now, or the one where it is not done. :)

A few years later, this sign seemed significant from the point of view that... avoid committing yourself to people and jobs that reduce your quality of life.


Väldi halba elu

Lobisesin telefonitsi sõbrannaga ja ostsin samal ajal kohvikust kohvi kaasa. Mainisin just teise sõbranna aktsiatevaimustust, kui nägin teksti “Väldi halba elu”. Pani kohe mõtlema, kumb see halb elu on - kas see, kus täna, siin ja praegu nautimise asemel liiga palju raha aktsiatesse suunatakse või see, kus see tegemata jäetakse. :)

Paar aastat hiljem tundus see märgiline hoopis sellest aspektist, et… hoidu enda sidumisest inimeste ja töökohtadega, mis Su elukvaliteeti alla tõmbavad.

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