neljapäev, 31. august 2023

Higher class

I came to capital with an early morning bus and while driving I saw the face similar to my friend's son on a big advertising poster with the text "Higher class".

It resonated, because once a few years ago, the same young man (who had somewhat mystical abilities) had told his mother that I was energetically the second class from the top. At that time, I was very interested in what I was missing from the highest class, although I knew where in my life everything was not as wonderful as it seemed. By now I had changed these things and high on life.


Kõrgem klass

Tulin Võrust varahommikuse bussiga Tallinna, Tartust läbi sõites nägin suurel reklaamplakatil oma sõbranna poja sarnast poissi koos tekstiga “Kõrgem klass”.

Resoneerus, sest kunagi paar aastat tagasi oli sama pisut müstiliste võimetega noormees öelnud emale, et Triin on ülevalt teine klass energeetiliselt. Mind huvitas tookord väga, mis mul kõige kõrgemast puudu jäi, ehkki teadsin ju küll, kus mu elus ei olnud kõik nii roosiline, kui välja paistis. Nüüdseks olin neid asju muutnud ja tunne hoopis teine.


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neljapäev, 24. august 2023

Congratulations to the winner!

One hard day for me, my soul was broken and I was very sad, my loved one felt the same We went sailing with friends, so that maybe the sea breeze would ease it. Having sailed across the bay, the loudspeaker said the moment we entered the harbor: "We are ready to welcome the winner!" 

At the same time, the ORC Sailing Championships were held in Tallinn for the first time, and coincidentally there was an award ceremony taking place. The universe made me smile again... and reminded me that in fact I must have reached exactly where I wanted to be - dedicated to writing and free to do what I want.


Tervitame võitjat!

Üks minu jaoks raske päev, hing oli lõhki ja olin väga kurb, kallimal sama. Läksime sõpradega purjetama, et ehk meretuul leevendab. Noblessnerist üle lahe Piritale purjetanud, öeldi valjuhääldist sel hetkel, kui sadamasse sisse sõitsime: “Me oleme valmis tervitama võitjat!” (“We are ready to welcome the winner!”).

Tallinnas toimusid samal ajal esimest korda avamerepurjetamise maailmameistrivõistlused ja seal parasjagu juhuslikult autasustamine. Universum pani mu jälle naeratama… ja tuletas meelde, et tegelikult ma vist olin jõudnud just sinna, kuhu olin tahtnud - kirjutamisele pühendunud ja vaba tegema, mida ma tahan.


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neljapäev, 17. august 2023

Faith in love

The wedding ceremony of my friends took place in the woods by the spring, the walk there was almost half an hour. I walked in my bright summer dress through the forest decorated with swaying dream catchers, here and there there were children playing the harp by the forest path. And then came a woman in a red T-shirt with "Faith to love" written in white on her chest.

So beautiful. Especially since it resonated perfectly with what I had recently been thinking about marriage - I believe in love, but marriage is a social construct that comes with so many issues. But that doesn't stop me from being happy about other people getting married.


Usk armastusse

Sõprade pulmatseremoonia toimus allika ääres metsa sees, jalutuskäik sinna oli ligi pooletunnine. Astusin oma heledas suvekleidis läbi heljuvate unenäopüüdjatega kaunistatud metsa, siin-seal istus metsaraja kõrval harfi sõrmitsevaid lapsi. Ja siis tuli vastu punases T-särgis naine, kelle rinnale oli valgega kirjutatud “Usk armastusse”.

Nii kaunis. Seda enam, et resoneerus täiuslikult sellega, mida ma olin hiljuti seoses abieluga mõelnud - ma usun armastusse, aga abielu on sotsiaalne konstruktsioon, millega käib kaasas nii palju agasid. Mis aga ei takista mul teiste abiellumise üle rõõmu tundmast.


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neljapäev, 10. august 2023

Palace of happiness

There are different places for both getting married and divorced, and their names can also be significant. The name of the place, the name of the street, the matchmaker’s name, the name of the house... In our capital, both marriages and divorces take place in the house called Palace of Happiness, I know people whose great happiness began there with marriage, as well as those for whom divorce brought happiness. :)



Nii abiellumiseks kui ka lahutamiseks on erinevaid kohti ja võimalusi ning nendegi nimed võivad märgiliseks osutuda. Kohanimi, tänavanimi, paaripanija, maja nimi… Tallinnas nii abiellutakse kui ka lahutatakse Õnnepalees, tean nii neid, kelle suur õnn on seal alanud abiellumisega, kui ka neid, kellele on hoopis lahutamine õnne toonud. :)


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neljapäev, 3. august 2023

New story

After my new book came out, it was a bit of a lost feeling, as always. In the meantime, I also tended to worry, but then fortunately I started to remember that we create life with our thoughts and words, so it's worth dreaming more. As the icing on the cake, I saw a quote from Paulo Coelho: "Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.”


Uus lugu

Pärast raamatu ilmumist oli selline natuke pidetu tunne, nagu ikka. Vahepeal kaldusin muremõtetesse ka, aga siis hakkas õnneks meenuma, et me loome elu oma mõtete ja sõnadega, seega tasub rohkem unistada. Kirsina koogil nägin Paulo Coelho tsitaati: “Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.”


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Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...