neljapäev, 26. september 2024

The world is yours

I sold an apartment that needed renovation and it felt as if a a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders! And then right after the deal, I went on vacation to the Greek islands.

One morning, while walking relaxed and happy in a Cretan town, I saw a text written on the wall: "The world is yours.” Resonated with this pleasant feeling inside me too, that everything is in abundance and all the possibilities of the whole world are open.


Maailm on Sinu

Müüsin ühe renoveerimist vajava korteri ja nagu raske koorem oleks mu ōlgadelt langenud! Ja siis läksime kohe pärast tehingut kallimaga Kreeka saartele puhkama.

Ühel ennelõunal ühes Kreeta linnakeses lõõgastunu ja rõõmsana jalutades nägin seinale kirjutatud teksti: “Maailm on Sinu.” Resoneerus selle mõnusa tundega mu sees ka. Et kõike on külluses ja kogu maailma võimalused avatud.

neljapäev, 19. september 2024


I started to sell the apartment - or rather the demolished attic - but I was still a little worried if I was doing the right thing by letting go of this dream, especially when my friend moaned about how I could sell it so cheaply.

I asked the beautifully painted cards if I was doing the right thing by selling - the answer came to trust this feeling inside and ask yourself what is like a disturbing pebble inside the shoe, what is preventing you from moving forward and is it time to let go... 

Then I asked if I was selling at the right price - out of dozens of cards in the pack, the one with the big YES written on it decided to come, saying: YES YES YES. 

A more clear answer could not have been received!



Hakkasin korterit - või õigemini tühjaks lõhutud katusealust - müüma, aga natuke ikka kripeldas, kas teen õigesti, kui sellest unistusest lahti lasen, eriti kui sõber oigas, et kuidas ikka nii odavalt müün.

Küsisin kaunilt maalitud kaartidelt, kas teen õigesti, et müün - vastuseks tuli, et usalda seda kripeldust enda sees ja küsi endalt, mis on nagu segav kivike kinga sees, mis takistab edasi liikumist ja millest on aeg lahti lasta… 

Seejärel küsisin, kas müün õige hinnaga - kümnetest kaartidest seal pakis otsustas välja vupsata just see, mille peale oli suurelt kirjutatud YES. YES YES YES. 

Selgemat ja ühemõttelisemat vastust poleks saanud saada!

neljapäev, 12. september 2024

Avoid bad life

I chatted with my friend on the phone and at the same time I bought a take away coffee from the cafe. I was just mentioning another friend's passion for stocks when I saw the text "Avoid bad life". It immediately made me think which one is the bad life - either the one where too much money is invested in shares instead of enjoying life today, here and now, or the one where it is not done. :)

A few years later, this sign seemed significant from the point of view that... avoid committing yourself to people and jobs that reduce your quality of life.


Väldi halba elu

Lobisesin telefonitsi sõbrannaga ja ostsin samal ajal kohvikust kohvi kaasa. Mainisin just teise sõbranna aktsiatevaimustust, kui nägin teksti “Väldi halba elu”. Pani kohe mõtlema, kumb see halb elu on - kas see, kus täna, siin ja praegu nautimise asemel liiga palju raha aktsiatesse suunatakse või see, kus see tegemata jäetakse. :)

Paar aastat hiljem tundus see märgiline hoopis sellest aspektist, et… hoidu enda sidumisest inimeste ja töökohtadega, mis Su elukvaliteeti alla tõmbavad.

neljapäev, 5. september 2024

The most joyful and profitable path

I felt that I had too many apartments, property is also a liability, so I put two of them up for sale. The next morning after adding the second one, I had to drive to another city - I saw a lot of cars with a certain number combination both in my home town, on the way to another city, and on the way back, which was a good sign for me: you are on the right track. 

I made a decent profit, and later it turned out that it would have been so expensive to renovate this sold apartment into a beautiful home, so it was a great choice to sell it. Less stress and more money!


Rõõmuküllaseim ja tulusaim tee

Tundsin, et mu nimele oli liiga mitu korterit kogunenud, omand on ka kohustus, nii et panin kaks neist müüki. Järgmisel hommikul pärast teise lisamist oli vaja Tartusse sõita - nägin nii Võrus, teel teise linna kui ka tagasiteel rohkesti ühe teatud numbrikombinatsiooniga autosid, mis on ikka mu jaoks tähendanud head märki: oled õigel teel. 

Sain korraliku kasumi ja hiljem selgus, et müüdud korteri ilusaks koduks remontimine oleks läinud nii kalliks, et tegin väga hästi, et selle maha müüsin. Vähem stressi ja rohkem raha!

Viva la vulva

I wandered in Central Europe on the Bratislava-Budapest-Vienna route, collecting new countries, cities and memories. I was taking the train ...